Most people do not know how beautiful the world is and how much magnificence is revealed in the smallest things, in any flower, stone, tree bark, or birch leaf. There is a great and eternal beauty running through the whole world, and this is scattered justly over the small and great things.
-Rainer Maria Rilke-
In a very playful way, loosely based on Friedrich Schiller’s “making nature our friend”, we teach the responsible use of our earth’s resources and the fascinating diversity of nature and landscape in the kindergarten. This creates, as if by itself, a piece of identity with the respective home area as well as with nature itself.
In addition to nature experiences, other key topics such as nutrition and health maintenance, energy conservation, waste avoidance and mobility aspects etc. are also highlighted. Within the framework of the initiated environment week and, of course, in the everyday life of the kindergarten, we want to create awareness for sustainable development in a targeted way with a wide variety of activities.
Further focal points in our work on the topic of environmental education are:
- Nature experience days in the forest / in the garden
- Waste collection campaigns in cooperation with the MA48
- Visit to the waste incineration plant in Spittelau
- Active participation in the Public Transport Award of the City of Vienna
- Car-free days in the kindergarten
- Consumer behaviour and environmental impact