
Menu for the week from 03.03. to 07.03.2025

Menu for the week from 10.03. to 14.03.2025

Bio Zertifizierung

Inspection body for our organic parts range - Austria Bio Garantie - our organic share by value in 2024 was around 63%.

List of Allergens

  • A: Gluten
  • B: Shellfish
  • C: Eggs
  • D: Fish
  • E: Peanuts
  • F: Soy
  • G: Milk
  • H: Nuts
  • L: Cellery
  • M: Mustard
  • N: Sesame
  • O: Sulfite
  • P: Lupine
  • R: Molluscs

All locations are certified by Austria Bio Garantie GmbH.

articles per product group from 2023 all locations

AT EU Not-EU Total
beef 83,87 % 16,13 % 0 100%
pork 0 0 0 0,00 %
chicken 84,85 % 15,15 % 0 100,00 %
game meat 0 0 0 0,00 %
milk products 84,70 % 15,12 % 0,18 % 100,00 %
eggs & eggproducts 97,86 % 2,14 % 0 100,00 %

Origin of food in communal catering, canteen kitchens 65th Regulation of the Federal Minister of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection on information on the origin of ingredients in meals served in communal catering facilities