Information regarding the Heiligenstadt location
The Kindergarten Schmetterling, with their four groups, is located in a modern and bright building in the Heiligenstädterstraße – only five minutes walking distance from the public transport hub Spittelau. A security system makes sure that only authorized people can enter the kindergarten.
The group rooms, which are age-appropriate, suitable for children, beautifully designed and well-equipped, are rooms with a high standard of quality and comfort. Our large, natural garden in the Schlumberger park grounds is right across from our building. We use a gym room to promote physical activity as well.
We offer Schmetterlings Courses with various educational focuses (musical education, physical education, language development, science course, art and creative education…) that are organized by us, take place in our house and are carried out by qualified instructors.
Every week, the children in the last year of kindergarten have the chance to develop new skills in various areas in our MaxiClub program (literacy education, basic mathematical skills, nature and facts education, road safety education…). These children also get to enjoy special trips/excursions and visit schools.
Our pedagogical concept has a main focus on bilingualism (English-German), and on a child-centered, situational and self-sufficiency-promoting way of working with the children. Providing high-key supervision with two staff members per group (certified elementary teacher, English-speaking assistant) and an additional German-speaking assistant makes individual employment in different social forms, with individual children or small groups possible. A person completeting their civil service supports our team as well.
Freshly cooked meals are served daily at our location and a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet is taken into account in the menu selection. Children receive a snack in the morning and in the afternoon. We place an importance on manners and eating in a civilized way at the table.
By having conversations at the door or while passing, taking a look at the information board and updated pictures, attending parent conferences and parent-teacher nights, and exchanging E-Mails, you will always be informed about your child and what has occurred throughout the day.
Twice a year we offer development meetings based on observation screenings in order to lay the foundation for the child’s positive development on a partner-like level.
More impressions regarding the Heiligenstadt location